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- Samsung Galaxy A03
- Samsung Galaxy A03s LTE
- Samsung Galaxy A13
- Samsung Galaxy A23
- Samsung Galaxy A23 LTE
- Samsung Galaxy A32 LTE
- Samsung Galaxy A33 5G
- Samsung Galaxy A53
- Samsung Galaxy A53 5G
- Samsung Galaxy A73
- Samsung Galaxy Fold3
- Samsung Galaxy S21 FE
- Samsung Galaxy S22
- Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3
- Samsung Galaxy Z flip4
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4
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Same Day Delivery
We offer same day delivery on select items and products ordered before 10 am in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. The delivery of the products shall be made through a third party courier. At the point of delivery, identity verification of the Consignee will be required by or courier partners. Standard OfficesupplyNG Terms & Conditions apply. Prices of products are subject to change without notice.